We are a team of real estate agents and our team was totally abused by Lea France from Fannie Mae. With her unstable personality (constant mood swings, etc.) she has made the work environment completely impossible. She makes conflicting demands and it is impossible to meet the timeframes she outlines unless you are a favorite agent of hers.
We lost a lot of business and were afraid to talk for months. I know a lot of agents found themselves in the same situation. For most of us Fannie Mae is the biggest client and we are afraid to lose their business so we just learned to give up our inventories upfront and wait for her to leave the state. But she keeps coming back. We realized the only way to protect ourselves is to tell Fannie Mae our stories - even anonymously.
If you had the same experience please share it here. This blog is completely anonymous. You do not need to share your name if you do not want to but we do want to hear your story.
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